Moving to a new home can be an exciting and challenging experience, especially if you wear hearing aids. Here are some tips to help make the transition smoother:
If possible try to meet your new neighbors prior to moving in: Consider informing your new neighbors about your hearing loss and the fact that you wear hearing aids. This can help create understanding and open communication from the start.
When packing, hearing aids and accessories take priority: Purchase a small heavy duty plastic container that can hold all your hearing aids, cases, cleaning supplies, etc. This box should not go on the moving truck; it should be with you at all times so nothing gets lost or misplaced. Moving day can be very hectic. Ask a friend to also keep an eye on this box – mark the box well.
Set up your new home with accessibility in mind: This can be done on paper, map it out so on moving day you can easily tell people where things need to go. Take the time to arrange your bedroom in a way that optimizes accessibility for your hearing aids. Consider the placement of smoke detectors, doorbells, and other devices that might be relevant to your hearing. You may also want to explore home automation systems that can send visual or vibrating alerts to supplement auditory cues.
Update your emergency contacts: If you have emergency contacts listed with your hearing healthcare provider, update them with your new address. It’s important to have their contact information readily available in case you require assistance with your hearing aids.
Familiarize yourself with the layout: Once you move into your new home, take some time to explore and familiarize yourself with the layout. Identify potential challenges or areas where you may encounter difficulty hearing, such as areas with background noise or poor acoustics. This will help you develop strategies to overcome those challenges.
Consider home technology: Explore assistive listening devices or technologies that can enhance your hearing experience at home. These may include TV streamers, captioned telephones, or alerting systems that can connect to your hearing aids and provide visual or tactile cues.
Communicate with your household members: If you’re living with family members or roommates, make sure they understand your hearing loss and how they can support you. Encourage open communication, and discuss any accommodations or strategies that can make communication easier for everyone.
Get involved in the community: Participating in local activities and groups can help you meet new people and create a support network. Consider joining local hearing loss associations or support groups where you can connect with others who may have similar experiences. Many towns have Senior Centers or Community Centers great places to meet people and socialize.
Remember, adjusting to a new home may take some time, but with proper planning and communication, you can ensure a smooth transition and continue to enjoy the benefits of your hearing aids in your new environment. If you have any questions please give our office a call (508) 366-8686.